
Supporting the next Victory generation
Engineers partnering for a better industry

We believe in continuous learning and paying it forward. It’s up to each one of us to ensure that upcoming engineers are equipped with all the technical and communicational knowledge to make it. That’s why, each year, we accept students in Summer Practice and open Paid Internship positions for those who want to start or restart their career in engineering.

We believe in continuous learning and paying it forward. It’s up to each one of us to ensure that upcoming engineers are equipped with all the technical and communicational knowledge to make it. That’s why, each year, we accept students in Summer Practice and open Paid Internship positions for those who want to start or restart their career in engineering.

Summer Practice
Students to Part.nerds

Summer Practice
Students to Part.nerds

If you’re looking for a Summer Practice opportunity in which you can truly get a feel of what it’s like to work in software development, look no further. In our square, you’ll get to experience everything: from project tasks to team dynamics and more. Plus, you know what they say: once a part.nerd, always a part.nerd.

Victory Fact

More than 90% of students who participate in our Summer Practice program are then offered a paid internship.

“First of all, they know their stuff. Secondly, they know how to chill and have fun. Summer Practice at Victory Square Partners was the right choice to kick-start my career.”

Raluca Chis
Former Summer Practice Student, currently a Part.nerd

“They are so friendly and they really love what they do. Encouraged by my mentor, I had the chance to leave a mark in my team.”

Emanuela Ilie
Former Summer Practice Student, currently a Part.nerd

Paid Internships
Start or restart your engineering career.

More details about the 2023 Paid Internship coming in September/October

Whether you have recently graduated or you’re considering starting a new career path in engineering, we want to hear more from you. Every year, usually at the end of summer, we open a couple of Paid Internship positions. Each intern is assigned a mentor who teaches them the ins and outs of working on real projects, with real clients. Keep an eye on our openings or drop us a message to keep you in mind.

Victory Fact

9 out of 10 of our Paid Interns receive full-time offers after the 3-month internship program and grow to become part.nerds.

Victory Fact

9 out of 10 of our Paid Interns receive full-time offers after the 3-month internship program and grow to become part.nerds.

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at our engineering offices in Timisoara.

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