Benefits of Working in a Software Solutions Company: The Victory Perspective



If you’re an engineer, UX or UI designer, you’re probably oscillating between two well-known options: product company or software solutions company. We might be subjective, but going with the latter can be a very smart choice for your future. 

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of working in a software solutions company, hoping to make the decision a little easier for you. We’ll also give you a few extra insights into how a well-defined work environment and culture can enhance your experience. That being said, let’s get the benefits rolling!

But First: Services vs. Solutions

Before we go any further, we’d like to make an essential distinction between “software services” and “software solutions”.

While software services companies outsource engineering skills, software solutions companies provide integrated expertise including leadership, consultancy, and building software products. These latter ones don’t offer only a human workforce; they provide well-balanced teams that have a say in how a project is tackled, what the solution looks like, and how the product is built. 

If this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, let’s dive into the specific examples. 

What’s in It for You?

Newest Technologies and Trends 

While working in a product company means focusing on a narrower list of technologies, you’ll be spoiled for choice at a software solutions company. In fact, with new projects and clients coming in regularly, your chances to experiment with the latest technologies and trends are spectacularly high. You’ll gain a breadth of knowledge and form a clearer idea of what technologies and frameworks you’d like to add to your arsenal.

Whether you’re a front-end, back-end or full stack developer, you won’t be limited to one or two frameworks, and you won’t be in danger of hitting a plateau. Whether you’re a senior with years of expertise under your belt or a junior eager to see what’s out there, the software solutions environment will challenge and teach you. It’s an exciting playground that enables you to stay curious, keep your knowledge fresh, and remain relevant in the industry.

Diverse Project Portfolio

Working for years on end on a single product might get you into a routine that will affect your passion for the job. However, in a software solutions company, you’ll always have the possibility to come in contact with diverse projects and rediscover why you love what you do. It might be a new technology, a visionary client, or an innovative product that sparks your motivation and renews your drive. 

It’s a proven fact that diversity leads to new perspectives and better problem-solving abilities. So it’s not a stretch to say that working for a software solutions company such as Victory Square Partners will help you perfect your problem-solving skills by exposing you to various business models.

More Chances to Experiment

While the liberty to try out new things is not a given for all software solutions companies, we hold in high regard at Victory Square Partners. Freedom and experimentation are, of course, work culture elements that can be present in product companies. However, the software solutions environment allows for more flexibility, supporting exploration. With a diverse portfolio of clients come plenty of occasions to try out innovative solutions.

If you’re the type of software engineer or UX designer who wants the freedom to fully own the project they’re on, being able to experiment is crucial. In our teams, we see new approaches every day, and we’re excited by the number of ideas they entertain. 

Build a Wider Set of Skills

Software solutions companies look for tech people that are also good communicators. Usually, tech teams lead themselves and have full responsibility for their project, which involves not only talking to the client, but managing expectations and exploring solutions.

At Victory Square Partners, we have a flat organizational structure, which means more chances for you, the engineers, to lead discussions and find solutions as you best see fit. You have the opportunity to influence the code you write and the solution itself by acting as a product consultant who has a direct say in what’s being developed.

Exposure and Travel Opportunities

Usually, software solutions companies have clients that are scattered all over the country, the continent, or even the world. In our case, our projects belong to high-growth companies in the US, so travel opportunities can arise at any time. This means more chances to engage with clients, expand your perspectives, and, of course, have fun. 

More Opportunities to Try Out Different Roles

With more skills, also come more opportunities to see whether or not other roles suit you. Whether you’re considering a career switch from one tech stack to another, or a more courageous jump towards UX, or other fields of software, it’s easier to assess your options in a software solutions company.

What else should you consider?

As a software solution company, we think that the benefits mentioned above can become even better when experienced within a solid culture. For us, that means looking at our employees as important partners who are part of a business we’re running together. 

We’re building a community, a coalition of like-minded people who are all striving in the same direction for a profit we can all benefit from.

Thus, when considering whether you should choose a product or software solutions company, consider the work environment. Will you enjoy working with your colleagues, and will you have a say in what’s going on? Will you have a sense of accomplishment and have a measurable impact? Will your hard work pay off in the long run? Needless to say, you should. 

In our view, employees should enjoy full trust and be at the centre of the decision-making process in software solutions companies. If employees are taken care of, the products they build will reflect that satisfaction — and this is something you can attest to from personal experience. 

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: strong relationships lead to solid software. So make sure you choose a place where you can work with people you enjoy on solutions that matter. A place in which you’ll be able to grow and have ownership over your projects. A place where your skills are appreciated. A place that shares part of its success with you (because you’ve helped achieve it). And that place can definitely be a software solutions company. 

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